What is Match Cards?
The Match Cards also called Concentration, Match Match, Match Up, Match Cards, Pelmanism, Shinkei-suijaku, Pexeso, Peers or Game of pairs, is a card game whose goal is to find the cards of identical illustration.
What is the interest of Match Cards?
- Work on visual recognition and image association
- To develop cognitive skills of logico-mathematical order (the concept of pair)
- Improve visual discrimination (identify two identical images)
- Activate specific reasoning
How does a game of Match Cards take place?
Match Cards cards are mixed and spread face-to-table.
This Match Cards holds a classic and extended game mode
- In classic, you have to find pairs of cards
- In extension we must find trios of cards
To play the Match Cards, the player returns the cards of his choice:
- If the cards are identical then they remain returned.
- If the cards are not identical, they will be returned again.
The Match Cards game ends when all cards have been returned.
Subject related to the Match Cards
Related to: Match Match, Match Up, Match Cards, Pelmanism, Shinkei-suijaku, Pexeso, Peers or Pair Game
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